Three kilometres away is our local town, San Pedro Alcantara, which is very different to all others on the Costa del Sol coast from Malaga to Algeciras. Although archaeologists discovered Roman baths and remnants of a settlement dating from the 3rd century AD near the sea, San Pedro is comparatively new, dating only from the 1860’s.
It is the only town along the coast without a fishing port and therein lies the clue to its existence. The Marquis del Duero, a nobleman from north west Spain founded a farming colony to take advantage of the rich agricultural land in this area. Extensive dams and irrigation ensured huge successful plantations of sugar, fruit and vegetables. San Pedro was able to sell or barter its crops for the fish landed by the neighbouring towns.
The town was called San Pedro Alcantara after the favourite saint of the mother of the Marquis. The word Alcantara is derived from the Arabic al-QanTarah which means “the bridge”.
It is only since the 1970’s that the town as we know it today was formed and infrastructure of lighting, roads and pavements put in. Tourists have discovered its charm. A statue of the Marquis del Duero is on the roundabout next to the church and a statue of San Pedro Alcantara is in front of the church.
Every city, town, village and hamlet in Spain has its annual “Feria y Fiestas”. Celebrations can last for 3 days for a hamlet to 10 days for a city such as Malaga (where the last bus from the fairground leaves at 6am).
Ferias are held from early spring to early autumn and San Pedro’s is the last along the coast. Ferias are for everyone from the young children to the elderly and their purpose is to reflect on the summer past and enjoy a week of happiness in preparation for winter. Eating and drinking are well catered for by stalls serving endless tapas and grills from around midday to about 6 when there is a pause until around 9 when it is off to the fairground.
Live music, both flamenco and modern provide background for dancing. Many girls and women wear their traditional dresses. Beautiful groomed horses and their riders parade. There are ornate floats depicting a theme for the processions and a special float for the children which dispenses sweets. The cost is borne by the municipality and there is a 71 page programme which shows all the events for this years feria available from the Tourist Office. This years feria is from 17th to 21st October and the 19th is the a public holiday and is the day of the patron saint.